Monday, November 10, 2008

I'll Have Once Twice Please

I had more thoughts on popcorn this saturday as I was making a TON of it at work. That is my least favorite thing to do because it makes me smell like popcorn and I get hot. At the Sunshine it wasn't as bad because the popper was in the stand and not in a back room. Anyway, I think that popcorn straight from the popper is the best, but probably because it's really hot. Also, I think butter on popcorn is gross. And it makes your hands all greasy.

There's a few choices for MNMN. I think it's going to be either Role Models or Zach and Miri Make A Porno. We need some situation comedy in our lives.

I know this is straight up lazy, but here's an IM convo, that I didn't feel like just stealing the jokes from.

me: haor how everyone somehow came to see ONCE
Cody: hahah.
me: but they all said "I'll have ONCE twice"and you were like "yeah, I read that joke in the New York Times too dude""thanks for being the 50th person to say it to me this half hour"
Cody: heh.i love the repetitive jokes.well, i actually hate them.
me: a love-hate relationship, possibly?
Cody: yup."two young at hearts for young at heart"
me: ugh!I haven't worked the box office at the crest, so I'm rusty
Cody: ah.
me: you should've heard the way people screwed over "Volver"
Cody: haha, oh i did.vullver.
me: what was another one... we had another foreign film at the same time. Cache?
Cody: it's also funny to hear white folks overpornounce other language.
Cody: two for KEEN-see-a-nyer-A
Cody: it was also real good when we had "where in the world is osama bin ladin"
me: oh yes
Cody: cause everyone just said Obama.
me: how many obama's did you get
Cody: tons.

1 comment:

Cody said...

dang, couldn't you have at least edited all my typing errors?