Monday, October 19, 2009

Sad & Wild

Before seeing Where the Wild Things Are someone told us "I loved it, but it was so sad". I'll admit, I was hesitant (like everyone, right?) about this movie. I may not have been as attached to the book as some, but it is always a little bit scary when people take your childhood and expose it without the rose-colored lens of memory. This is the same reason an old roommate would never let me watch the old Alvin & the Chipmunks movie. It could be ruined as an adult. Where the Wild Things Are seemed even more tricky - with it's extended story, indie soundtrack and Urban Outfitters tie-in. Sitting in the theatre and taking a look around, I definitely thought "is this the ultimate hipster movie?"

And, I'll admit, I think I was the target audience member. I liked how it looked, how it was filmed, the music, how it made me feel. There were times when it was a bit slow or long. There were moments where the monster's problems and hang-ups were just a little too much. There was a point when I thought "ok, I get it". But then there were the moments of slight awe or loneliness, that when paired with the right music, you just understood. And you liked it.

Max Records (great name) did a fantastic job as Max. He really did seem like how a kid should be and they did an excellent job portraying the problems of a kid and how he does or doesn't understand them. That sometimes you feel too wild and you don't know what to do. I think every kid understands that at some point. The Monsters were good - maybe some better then others. The times when they howled is when they seemed the most monstery.

There was no Arcade Fire in the actual movie... but the trailer made me listen to them all last week.

No, it's not Juno 2.

So someone around here totally blanked on reviewing Whip It. To summarize, it's really enjoyable. Go see it and relish being a badass chick. Even though Drew Barrymore is quite possibly, in the words of J.La "too old to act like that." That Ellen Page is just downright adorable, I can't help it.

In other news, despite having the squeakiest seats ever, I'm pretty convinced that the UA Arden Fair 6 might be the best non-indie theater within a 10-minute drive. The crowd is always sparse and mellow (i.e. No thugs with three kids coming in halfway through the flick to run around the theater like Natomas, and the threat of being stabbed seems minimal unlike downtown). And Madewell thinks the surly old guy with the Amish beard selling tickets is her new BFF even though he's always grumpy. It's our new fave.